Call for support for the Keio University Educational Enhancement Fund

Keio University is committed to the pursuit of the ideal education—learning adapted to the changing times and which endures no matter the prevailing circumstances. We will continue to aim to nurture students with worldly sensibilities who are capable of stepping up as leaders of the future.

Keio University has long been a pioneer in scholarship rich with individual character, channeling the achievements of our advanced research in artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, cybersecurity, and other domains back into our curriculum. Keio has also actively promoted initiatives to encourage students to venture beyond borders and acquire a global perspective through various international interactions including those facilitated by online environments. Donations to the Keio University Educational Enhancement Fund are utilized for a wide range of priority educational projects, further accelerating these cutting-edge academic initiatives.

We would be sincerely grateful to benefit from your support and donations to the Keio University Educational Enhancement Fund. Please lend a hand in shaping our students into future leaders capable of thriving on the global stage.

Example areas for fund implementation

Financial supports for Keio students from the affected areas, and recovery assistance activities

  • Medical supports in the affected areas
  • Volunteer activities by Keio students, academic faculty members and administrative staff

Creation of distinctive programs that leverage Keio’s strengths as a comprehensive university

  • Programs that integrate the humanities and sciences, cross-disciplinary programs, and inter-faculty collaborative programs (e.g., collaborations across our faculties/schools of Medicine-Technology-Pharmacy, Medicine-Nursing-Pharmacy, etc.)
  • Global Interdisciplinary Courses (GIC) in English (or other foreign languages) to produce personnel with international and interdisciplinary competencies

Expansion of programs and classes that promote internationalization

  • A variety of international programs offered by each undergraduate faculty and graduate school (e.g., study abroad programs at leading universities overseas, degree programs in English, double degree programs, etc.)
  • Education and research with overseas universities conducted in online environments
  • International exchange programs hosted by each Keio affiliated school

Promotion of Digital Transformation (DX)

  • Enhancement of the educational infrastructure to facilitate highly flexible classes utilizing both face-to-face and online instruction
  • Optimization of the Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Provision of e-journals to further improve the level of self study/independent learning

Improvement of infrastructures to create a campus where no one is left behind

  • Keio-wide efforts, from the affiliated schools through the university and graduate schools, to welcome students of all ages, genders, nationalities, disabilities, cultures, races, religions, and lifestyles
  • Support for students in need due to social circumstances to continue their studies

Keio is a proponent of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Among the 17 goals, the Keio University Educational Enhancement Fund will be utilized in particular to facilitate initiatives corresponding with Goal 4, Quality Education.

Online Donation